Friday, December 25

be merry.

Be merry. Very merry.

Spent the morning drinking coffee and opening gifts with my family. Went on a Christmas run without my pod. Reality hit me in the face when I found out that I had run my iPod through the washing machine the night before. Shoot. Off to my aunt's and uncle's house in Spanaway. Much food [my uncle's coconut macaroons!] consumption and lounging occurred. An evening of bananagrams rounded out the holiday.

My favorite received gifts: Macrina's Bakery recipe book [containing the recipe for my most favorite muffin of all time], a pillowcase hand-made by my lovely friend, Leah [made of the most comical fabric of all time], and a beautiful pair of earrings from UO [I may never take them off]. My other gifts were also beautiful; my family was too generous.

Merry Christmas! The meaningful reality of this holiday is that Christ was born to save. A wonderful gift of promise! [Luke 2:11]

Tuesday, December 1

sicky icky.

Starting to get sicky. No good. Called in sick to clinical today because I could feel my infectious-ness coming out of my pores. Not a day for me to be holding immunocompromised infants. So instead of holding babies at Children's, I'm working on an 8-hr case study on cystic fibrosis. Oof. Functioned throughout the day quite well. But, now, just hit a wall. A full day of clinical at Garfield High tomorrow bright and early. Oy.

Despite my bothersome throat, egg nog is in the fridge, and lemon-poppy seed muffins in the oven. My turn to host a fall quarter egg nog party and rack up as many domestic points as I can.

Saturday, November 21


Karie, Julia, and I hopped over to lower QA last night where Brandi Carlile was putting on a FREE show at Easy Street Records. We got there 20 min before the show started which made for not the best view. Easy Street was packed by the time Brandi started singing, with people trying to look in through the front door. She was AMAZING. She and her band were even better than I could have expected.

A perfect night of free. Free bus ride, free concert, and free baguettes from essential baking company. Dumpster diving pay off times a billion.

Tuesday, November 17

purell bath.

Today I had a 5:15a wake up call, was out of the door at 5:30a, and was walking into Children's at 5:52a. I shadowed a charge nurse for the day. Really, quite boring in some respects for me as the observer, as I watched her make countless phone calls; negotiating bed space and accepting in new admits. Not much for me to do. I did, however, have the privelege of going with the MDs, ARNPs, CN, and med students on neurosurgery rounds, general surgery rounds, and RN rounds. Extremely interesting. Was one time that I, as a nurse, was able to interact with MDs for more than 10 minutes at a time. And, walking around the surgical unit with two young med students wasn't bad either.

Needless to say, after rounds, going into room after room, following the CN to room after room, patient after patient, I was literally bathed in purell. Countless pumps of purell. Too many to count. Upwards of a hundred [at the very very minimum].

But, then again, it's better to have dry, antiseptic-smelling skin, than some of the other options :)

Sunday, November 15

Weekend flying away.

My weekend flew away.

It started on Thursday night with Sara, painting Tacoma red. Aaron, the piano player, was the highlight.

Friday turned into kickboxing, change the oil in my car, shop with my madre day. A pair of beautiful new boots was the highlight. Before I headed back to Seattle, we stopped at the Matador in downtown Tacoma to take advantage of $5 blackened fish tacos. Duty and a lonely Emerson hall awaited me in Seattle. Scattegories and oatmeal cookies were the highlight. Possibly the most worst duty night I have ever experienced awaited me. A night filled with 4 hours of sleep was the highlight.

Saturday was PA fun day at the pacific science center. Started the morning studying pedes and running back and forth to gwinn with BJ. Frantically making 14 sack lunches was the highlight. Bussed to the science center. Izzy in the rocket ship and the MJ lazer show were the highlights. A paper and 10 minute nap awaited me back home. Dinner and frantic paper writing ensued. A quick trip down to Emerson Coffeehouse, a cup of coffee, and live music awaited me. More studying and a trip to Rach's and Crissy's for extreme game night. Losing at Clue on the love sac was the highlight.

9 hours of sleep later, Sunday awaited me. The afternoon was spent at Bustle with J.Taylor and N.Nobbs. Rocket muffins from Macrina's were smuggled in. Homemade syrups from Bustle were the highlight. Stuyding ensued. Then an evening with Nicholas; feeding him chicken noodle soup and reading Dr. Suess. Needed studying and paper snowflakes awaited me on 5th emerson. A needed shower occurred, and here I sit. My usual can of sparkling water is my highlight. I barely have a grasp on what I will be tested on tomorrow morning at 0830, but all I really care about is going to sleep.

My weekend flew away.

Monday, November 9


Superstitious? I'm not. BUT. I am tempted to celebrate with a needle to the face [or ear].

With the upcoming friday being friday the 13th, I am once again reminded about House of Tattoo and their superstitious deal. House of Tattoo, my piercing parlor of choice [in tacoma, that is], offers $20 [$13 with a mandatory $7 tip] above-the-neck piercings on friday the 13th. This is a deal advertised by word of mouth only. I have never taken advantage of it, but have never been more tired of paying upwards of $45 for piercings. I am tempted.

Sunday, November 8

Galatians 2:20

To be as pious; as edifying; as relevant; as poignant. Oswald Chambers writes vividly, passionately, and frankly. I am impressed, inspired, convicted, and uplifted by his excerpts.

November 3 held words for me that were extremely relevant. "I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me." [Gal. 2:20] These words mean the breaking of my independence with my own hand and surrendering to the supremacy of the Lord Jesus. No one can do this for me, I must do it myself. The passion of christianity is that I deliberately sign away my own rights and become a bond-slave of Jesus Christ. Until I do that, I do not begin to be a saint.

Saturday, November 7

I smile when:

I watch QA come awake [this morning at 7:30am], as I systemtically peaked from textbook to street as I sit by a huge, rain-splattered window, the obligatory cup of coffee in my hand.

I run the burke-gilman trail with a beautiful soul, killing 5 miles and getting drenched in the process.

I play [learn how to play] cribbage with some beautiful souls; a heart shaped pancake/laundry party.

I find long gray sweaters at Buffaloa.

I take a nap with wet hair and wake up to perfect curls.

I discover a new WHOLE FOODS [!!] and study spot in Ballard.

I celebrate a beautiful soul's 21st birthday on the waterfront, with Seattle skyscrapers making us feel more posh that we actually are.

I have a perfect Saturday [like noted above].

Monday, October 26

Victor Hugo

"What I feel for you seems less of earth and more of a cloudless heaven."

Thursday, October 22


Check out this website by Rainn Wilson.
Haven't had too much time to completely explore it, but am intrigued thus far.

In other news, I may have just completely bombed my first community health exam. Flashback to freshmen year ochem. After taking this exam, I figured out that I should have read all 700 pages of text while I simultaneously read my professor's mind. Oopth. Just another blow to the knees in the world of nursing school.

Monday, October 19


Retreat to Camp Casey was perfect. The rain stopped just as we pulled in. The day was spent by walking around the bunkers, eating pumpkin ice cream with my wonderful sophomores, rock/paper/scissor competitions with the broho, and capture the flag with glowsticks. More restful than I thought it was going to be. My floor is incredibly sweet, and I enjoy spending time with them.

Ate my final nectarine last night. It was hard for me to give up, but the season is over. It wasn't even good, but it was still a nectarine. Still a piece of heaven. Goodbye, necartines. Hello, pomegranites.

Ran the counterbalance hill last night. I've been recently trying to run hills. Since I've had to trim down my work out time drastically in the past three weeks, I am determined to utilize the time I do have. So, I run this mountain of a hill. Run up, walk down, run up, walk down. Tedious and painful, but my body is thanking me.

Wearing new chacos. Green, slip ons, and found on the clearance rack. The only pair, my perfect size. I put them on, and did not take them off. October weather does not matter, I have strong feet that hate to be enclosed in shoes. Thus chacos are perfect for me. A student came up to me in the pura vida line the other day and said, "Wow, wearing chacos with a dress. I like that. That's cool." Chacos are perfect. Why not wear them with anything? I do.

Went to bed last night very unhappy over the fact that tomorrow would be Monday. Monday means that I put on my running shoes and keep them on until Thursday at 2:30pm. Off I go.

Saturday, October 17


Off to Emerson Retreat at Camp Casey (on Whidbey Island). The two times I've been there, it has been absolutely, breathtakingly gorgeous. Today? Complete Seattle downpour. I am basically bringing only a sweatshirt, raincoat, and sleeping bag; and am prepared to wear all three simultaneously if needed.

I'm also wearing my chacos all weekend. Rationale? Chacos are meant to be wet. Option A: Wear soggy running shoes all weekend. Option B: Wear wet chacos and tell myself that my feet are supposed to be wet.

I pick option B. Perfect rationale. Yes?

Wednesday, October 14


I took a blogging hiatus. But, I do that often, so it's all ok. Much, much, much has gone on in my life in the past couple weeks; so here are just a highlights.


Recently went: New clinical sites. For the next 7 weeks, I'm at Seattle Children's on Tuesdays (1430-2230) and Garfield High School on Wednesdays (0730-1430). In just the past two weeks, I have seen things at Children's that have been almost too much for my compassionate heart. Empathy is my #2 strength (as far as strengths finder goes). I am completely and emotionally drained after 8 hours with extremely ill pediatric patients. But at the same time, I absolutely love it. Not so much as far as Garfield High School is concerned. Today, a 9th grader walked into the health center office asking for an HIV test. This teenager was quite certain that he needed to be tested ASAP. It's hard for me to be there. I feel extremely drawn to this crowd of very needy adolescents, but at the same time want to take each one by the shoulders, look them in the eyes, and help them sort out the issues and problems that can be seen on the many faces in the crowded hallways. But this is not an option for me; one person, one nursing student, one individual swimming in the hierarchical guidelines of the public school system.

Recently did: FUSION IV. My fourth and final fusion. I had forgotten how stressful this time of year is for me. For those of you who are non-SPUers, Fusion is a residence life backed event for all of the residential floors on campus. Each floor partcipates in a unity celebration in which a skit (of sorts) is done. Floor traditions follow. This year, I was outfitted in skinny jeans, heels, and a huge black sweatshirt. "So krispy," was our theme. 5th Emerson was indeed krispy ([adj] having fresh style and a unique swagger).

Recently read(ing): Cold Mountain. In the few minutes I have of actual downtime (i.e. breakfast on Mon/Thur/Sat), I've started reading this novel. Very interesting, and so very descriptive. However, if you're looking for dialogue, this book is not for you.

Recently watched: The Brother's Bloom. I finally watched this film (after fawning over it for the past 5 months). This was the first film I had seen directed by Rian Johnson. And, one of the several that I had seen with Adrien Brody. And, I was not disappointed. Do you judge me if I tell you that I almost melted in a few scenes? Please don't. I hate to be so shallow, but I can't for the life of me get over how completely wonderful Adrien is. Perfection. Back to the storyline, however. I was telling my mom what The Brother's Bloom was like. I described it as a film with a Wes Anderson feel but with 75% more of a plotline. As one of Anderson's #1 fans, I enjoyed Johnson's direction of the film. I would watch it again. I will watch it again.

Recently bought: STUFF. My mom came up to Seattle last Saturday to go to a tile festival out by Madison Park. I went with her and looked at booth after booth of extremely expensive and beautiful hand-crafted tile. We didn't find the perfect tile, so instead finished our afternoon out by stopping by the ave. My mom was a little out of her element at Buffaloa, but still bought me an uber long, warm, fuzzy black sweater. A perfect buy for $8. I also got some perfect black flats that are perfectly cute while still being perfectly comfortable. We also stopped at a little boutique called Pitaya. As a college student, I always pass this store by. But, as a college student shopping with her mother, I went in. I got possibly the most dramatic pair of earrings I've seen (that are still quite wearable). Joelle would be/will be very jealous. Our outing finished with a bowl of avogolemono at Costas. Perfection.

Recently realized: Senior year might be equivalent to the center of Dante's inferno. The homework and need for studying has literally tripled. I am finding myself continually scrambling to finish papers, projects, neverending reading, and much-needed studying. This is why my time for pleasurable reading is limited to the 20 minutes I have in gwinn at breakfast three days a week. More on this later. If I survive.

Recently thankful for: Emerson PA Staff 09-10. These 11 (9 PAs, 2 RLCs) people that I get to share life with this year are so completely life-giving. Spending two hours on with them on Monday evenings is not enough. I feel protective of them, want them to succeed if everything they do, and love them all so much. Highlights of my week are when I get to share time with them. Each individual is unique, some polar opposites than others, but it works so well.

Tuesday, September 22

10 weeks.

10 weeks until 13.1. 10 weeks to fit in a 12 week training program. I usually start training 1-2 weeks late anyways, BUT I'm usually in more of a rested/routined state.

The past two weeks of PA training have not afforded me many days of rest or the luxury of a workout routine. The gym isn't open on weekends, and open from 0700 to 1700 on weekdays. With training all day, this gives me only an hour in the gym before I am forced to run to the shower. Not so, so bad; but after late nights, waking up before 0630 is a toughie. Quite a few days have passed without me on the pavement with my brooks. BUT, I'm trying, correction, making myself. Seattle hills in 10 weeks will not equal a happy two hours of running.

I have a little more than two weeks before I have to register. Hopefully, Erin the Runner will be back in an expedient state. [hopefully].

Saturday, September 19

Faintly as tolls the evening chime, our voices keep tune and our oars keep time.

I live here. I live 1.14 minutes away from the place where this picture was taken. Taken at 9:15 in the morning; still early enough to spot singles and pairs gliding across the water. I could watch them all day. I envy their effortless form, something that evaded me throughout my year of rowing. Reason #1 as to why I was put in the "engine room/power house" seat of an eight. Form is not as important (still very important, really). With 7 others rowing in front and/or behind you, you could afford a small amount of slack in regard to rowing form. A completely different matter in a single, pair, or four. In a single or pair, it's just you and your ability as a rower that keeps you gliding on top of and not into the water.

Still beautiful. I miss it.

Sunday, September 13


My first Sunday in the place I will call home for the next 9 months. I tried to sleep in today. My body needed it after a restless night at Warm Beach. It had other plans.

My window is open right now, and I can hear the cars zooming along Nickerson. This is the first difference I noticed from Ashton. Despite the frequent "zooming," the building is quiet. I can almost picture Kara, Amy, Jeff, Zach, Michael, Sarah, D.D., Lianna, and Jessica perhaps just rolling out of bed on their empty floors. Or maybe still sleeping peacefully, waiting for a later church service. Lynnea and Brian are most definitely up, getting their little families ready for the day. Our last Sunday of being completely alone. I love living on a residence hall floor and soaking up the community that it offers (reason number one for beginning my fourth year in a residence hall), but I also completely love the silence of the emptiness. Yes, a complete calm befor the storm (proverbially, of course).

Fremont awaits. I have just enough time for a trip to Peet's, a quick peruse of the Sunday Market, and a beautiful, sun-bathing walk back to campus.

Have a happy Lord's Day.

Thursday, September 10


I very, very occasionally work in a toy store. Urban Kids Play on the top of QA, nestled in by El Diablo's outside courtyard. This morning, sun-streaked QA was breathtaking and UKP was bustling, with almost a dozen strollers parked outside. UKP is a beautiful store, full of "motion encouragment" toys, organic cotton swaddling cloths, and a plethora of shoes. You won't find batteries or motors here. Instead, the shelves are packed with sidewalk chalk, blocks, scooters, trikes, and Rody's (look them up). I am officially able to fit your child in adorable keens, rompers from See Kai Run (for the new walkers), and strappy Tevas (for the water-walking babies).

Today was storytime with Moonpaper Tent. Pirates, sea creatures, and mermaids ran around the store, looking for the glass sea orb that the tall, bearded wizard had mysteriously lost. While I was on the cash register/shoe fitting side of storytime today, I have spent several a Thursday morning watching Macy and Elly (the store owner's daughters whom I nanny) discover magical medow pumpkins. Did you know that if you take a bite of a medow pumpkin that you can fly just as fast as a medow fairy? You can.

Whenever I nanny Macy and Elly I am against reminded of the magic of action/motion. You won't find television, gameboys, digital toys, or sugar/meat/refined garbage, for the matter, in their house. They encourage active fun. Many park walks, playing "wizard of oz" in the basement (which involves alot of jumping on the bed), tea time at the TeaCup, and hours of book-reading. Snacks consist of fruit, smoothies, almonds, sunflower seeds, cashews, and cheese. Having grown up with a vegetarian (vegan for several years) in my family, I am at home in their house. I used to think that my sisters and I were the only elementary-aged kids around that made their own dried fruit, ate lentils weekly, and was introduced to the scary komboucha animal by thinking it was apple juice (Thanks, Daddy) before I met Macy, Elly, and soon-t0-be little Jax.

Wednesday, September 2


I remembered that I didn't have a "tonight" section as part of my last blog post, even though the title deceptively alluded to one. SO. Here's tonight.

Tonight, I was upstairs, frantically going through my clothes; tossing out things I no longer wanted, stacking clothes to pack up for school. I was also trying on some of my old things (just to see if I wanted it anymore). A little black dress. Ok, yes, I want this. This is when I hear a male voice through my upstair's window. It was asking my neighbor if she knew the owner of the white van parked on the street. I kept hearing voices and then looked out one of our windows to see two police cars with lights flashing parked outside our house. Three police officers, flashlights out, were checking the van. Apparently my dad had forgotten to close the side door and it looked like someone had broken in. Police cars parked outside our house. My parents asleep. Three young police officers. I was needed.

I ran outside in my finery. Asked "Oh hello. Is there a problem?," in the most mature, young-lady voice I could muster. One bright flashlight in my face and a "Oh, good evening, ma'am." Suffice to say, I took care of the situation, bid the police officers good night, and returned indoors. Laura was in the living room, looking outside curiously. She mentioned the fact that she had not wanted to go out there. "Oh, they were super young," I told her. "Really? SHOOT," she said.

Baha. I win.

This morning. Today. Tonight.

This morning as I left for kickboxing, cars were lined up outside of Whitman Elementary. School has started. September. To be 13 again and re-live my early September school days. Now I start school practically in October. No complaining from me though.

This morning I was greeted by an extremely familiar site. Nectarines lining the windowsill in our kitchen. My dad had again found some perfect nectarines right at the end of the season. Summer is still here. While I still eat nectartines at all times of the day; summer is still here. I literally have to stop myself at times throughout the day to make myself count the number of pieces of fruit I have eaten today. There is such as a thing as too much fruit (unfortunately). And today, a perfect necartine paired with plain greek yogurt . . . HEAVEN in a bowl.

This morning, I made myself run after kickboxing. I wrote about a running high a few posts back. Hah. A running low soon hit. I made myself, however, run a moderately paced 4 miles. It's not an option. With a tough 1/2 marathon course looming in front of me, I need to start picking it up. I felt great afterward. 4 more miles tomorrow, and we'll see where we're at. With 1/2 training, along with my new upper body weight workout, I'll hopefully be the ripped Erin I was hoping to be by the end of the summer by the end of November. We'll see.

Today my parents left me all alone to watch Felix pitch a gem of a game against the Angels in box seats. Only 4 tickets. They went with my aunt and uncle. Me, home alone. Determined to make lemonade out of lemons, I decided to use up the crazy amount of leftovers in our fridge. 2 hours later, I had turkey meatballs (gluten-free for laura: rice flour in lieu of bread crumbs) and black bean/rice patties with sesame seeds and yellow thai curry sauce. Topped with tomatoes from our garden, I was in curry heaven. The leftovers of my leftover creation will be my lunch tomorrow. Perfect.

Monday, August 17

Today I'm grateful for.

- Long naps. I didn't get called into work today and therefore took full advantage by napping the late afternoon away.

- Almost dying from laughing so hard in kickboxing with Laura. Maybe it's the faces she makes. Maybe it's her right uppercut. I don't know. All I know is that she's awfully cute, and I can't help but laugh.

- Downtown Tacoma walks. Despite the many hundreds of times I've traipsed down Pacific Ave or Antique Row, I always see something beautiful and new. Today, the gorgeous hanging baskets on the many lamp posts caught my eye. Absolutely beautiful. Also, finding [new] old things. I bought neon yellow jellies and and a sparkly cocktail dress that seemingly came right out of 1974. All for $11.

- My sunroof.

- The [almost empty] bottle of lemon-honeybee conditioner I found in the bottom of my locker at the Y that made my curls fantastically springy today.

- Having the house, fridge, and stove to myself. Nectarines, chicken gyoza, garlic-broccoli, garbonzo beans, corn on the cob, and artichoke hearts. I am in my element. It's amazing how the jump from living off of an university cafeteria and residence hall microwave to coming to the Arkin kitchen turns me from college student to domestic goddess.

- Inspiration from cairns. I love pictures of them. I always wonder about the story behind them. I've chosen my floor theme off of some beautiful photographs of rock cairns.

 - Remembering to wear my glasses. Yes, it's about that time in my life where I should wear them alot more often that I do. The world [or at least the television, Pastor Rayburn's sermons (the pulpit is seeming to inch farther and farther away each Sunday), and baseball games] come to life.

- Psalm 34. My favorite Psalm. I come back to this chapter weekly and am continually encouraged and inspired.

Friday, August 14


Ever since I started running, I get highs and lows. What runner/athlete doesn't? I am currently recovering from a low. What gets me out of a low?: a new weight workout, a new race to train for, new shoes, ect. 2/3 of these happened and *voila*. Welcome to running/workout high August '09. 

With two halfs on my race calendar, and my tubes of nuun in hand, I'm set. I'm finding that it isn't always what I eat that affects me (don't get me wrong, it does), but how I'm hydrating myself that really plays out in my workouts. After running around 5J or sitting by a patient's bed for 8 hours and then working out OR working out and then working the evening shift, my body tells me how much it loves me according to its hydration status. Nuun is a lifesaver. Nuun was a "sponsor" for the crew team freshmen year. It was addicting, pure hydration, sugar-free, full of electrolytes, and free. I think it goes for around $12 per tube. Therefore, free is good. Tubes and tubes of nuun. I would drink nuun ALL THE TIME. My nuun of choice is tri-berry. Nuun is not an "energy drink." It is purely electrolytes; which equals maximum hydration without drinking litres and litres of water (which is perfect for rowers [especially lt. weights]).

Check nuun out . . .

The only downside. Each time I reach a running high, my what used to be a seemingly neverending nuun supply . . . is no longer neverending.

Tuesday, August 11


Dilemma: I need to pick out a theme for my floor soon. The weeks are speeding by, and if you're like me (AKA someone who takes a long time in the creative process) then I need to start soon. Emerson is so different than Ashton. Easier to "theme" a floor in some ways, harder in others. I have $35 to make 35 door tags, and $45 for floor decs. Not much. I do not want to be cheesy. I refuse to be cheesy. I also want to be cheap. Last year I used newspaper, trash can lids, and spray paint. Cost me a whopping $7.

I've had some good ideas: (1) frames (credit to Joelle). This idea was nixed when I remembered that the amount of command strips it would take to hold up 35 frames would most likely take my entire budget (floor decorations love to fall off of walls [spoken from prior experience *ahem* trash can lids *ahem*]) (2) a CLUE theme. This could be interesting, but I have no idea how to pull it off without the "boardgame" feel that I would want to avoid. (3) Charlie Chaplin, bowler hats, mustache sillouettes, "silent film" theme. Still thinking about this one. (4) A "summit-base camp" theme. Just an excuse to use wear my chacos 24/7.

We'll see. I just might stick with the one idea that I've had since I've started this whole PA business a year and half ago. This I'll keep secret, in case I do in fact use it :)

Tuesday, August 4

Currently reading.

"Glimpses of Heaven," by Trudy Harris, RN. Not one given easily to tears, I cannot help myself as I read about the author's experiences as a hospice nurse. If you had asked me 3 months ago if I had ever thought about hospice nursing, I would have given you an emphatic "no." Now, after sitting with several patients who are either at the end of their life or are declining at an incredibly fast rate, my perspective on life, particularly the end of life, has changed. Individuals do have the power to impact ending lives. While incredibly sad, as I directly observed a few weeks ago as I held the pulseless wrist of my patient as his family stood watch, there is a redeeming grace that can be pulled from all situations.

Tuesday, July 21

It's hot.

It's hot out. When doing any sort of physical activity outside in temperatures above 87, I die. I just walked to the post office and back; a 10 minute walk. By the time I got home, I was done. I was planning on walking to the mall later today. Um, no, probably not.

In other news, my sister bought me a dress yesterday for $1. Yes, one dollar. It's gray, hits just below the knee, and helps me get one step closer to becoming a greek goddess (Nike herself would have worn this dress). From Plato's Closet, by south center; alot cheaper than Buffalo. Another dress; another thrift store find added to my closet. I am content.

And yes. I saw HP last night with Joe. My first time watching an HP movie in the theatre.  I was impressed. They didn't pack too much into this one (like it seemed in The Order of the Phoenix) and didn't leave any essential elements out. By the end, I had fallen in love with the Weasely twins (I was not satisfied with their amount of film time though) and Snape all over again. I need to read books 6 & 7 again. I read them so quickly, I had forgotten much: the appearance of Greyback, the reason for the vanishing cabinets, Slughorn and the tampered memory, ect. It all came back . . . but I still need to read them again.

Note of the Day: An advantage of 85+ weather: I'm becoming tanner by the day. Thank you, sun.

Sunday, July 19


July is here. This equals an abundance of fresh fruit and freckles. I am become more and more tan (yes, TAN) by the week. And fruit is finding its way to our dining room table by the boxful. My dad brought home a 10 lb-ish box of apricots the other day. I spent the evening sorting through them and halving the good ones for the dehydrater. YUM. 

Finished my two-week long orientation at MultiCare this past week. Learned alot of stuff that was "review." Blood glucose checks, patient charting on Epic, infection control. This is what I give thousands of dollars to SPU to learn. But I didn't mind the review. I was getting paid . . . and it was indeed a "review." 

Experienced the evening shift for the first time. 1500-2330 is so completely different than 0700-1530. Much more chill. No PT, OT, and RT, less MDs and procedures, and lots of patients sleeping. This "chillness" equals good for me; a nurse tech floating between 16 different departments. Don't get me wrong, I welcome the opportunity to experience different areas. At the same time, it is extremely hard to really know what you're doing when you're on 6K (pediatric med/surg) on one day and then the CVICU (cardiovascular ICU) the next. I just pray for understanding RNs each shift. I almost wish my ID badge said: "Hello, I'm Erin Arkin. I'm a nursing student with only 30 weeks of clinical experience. I know all about total hip precautions, how to hook a patient up to a portable tele and SCDs, and how to give IMs and blood transfusions, but please don't ask me to put in a foley or IV on a coherent patient. I also most likely do not know where the soiled utility room is. Thank you." Alas, no. Instead I fumble my way through eight hours of a "learning experience."

Note of the Day: No, I haven't seen HP yet.

Friday, July 3

It's Friday.

Goodbye, bum-life.  

I start work on Monday. My two weeks of unemployment (minus 3 days of working at the Y) are ending.

So, it's Friday. I just woke up from a nap, am about to make PIZZA, and then good evening Tacoma. Waterfront with friends. I guess I'm not much of a bum after all.

Note of the Day: 85 degrees is hot enough for me.

Thursday, July 2


Hiked up Rattlesnake Ridge in North Bend with Sara on Tuesday. You won't get a better pay-off view after only 2 miles of hiking. It was an absolute perfect 70 degrees out. We left Tacoma at 8:30am, started hiking at 10am, and were back on the road at noon. Perfect.

Note of the Day: I really can't think of anything better than going into your backyard when your hungry and picking raspberries for a snack. I love July.

Tuesday, June 30


Recently read: "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (Pajamas)," by John Boyne. This book is a short read. After watching the movie a couple of weeks ago, I decided that I needed to read the book. I highly recommend it. Despite the times during both the book and film that I literally felt sick with anger and disgust, the perspective of this book, that of a nine year old German boy, makes this story a WWII allegory like no other.

Recently watched: "Away We Go," directed by Sam Mendes. As a devoted John Krasinski fan, I enjoyed this film. And it made me very aware of the fact that I will still be able to wear at least 3/4 of my wardrobe when I become pregnant.

Recently went: Proctor Farmer's Market (corn empanadas are worth the trip) and the Whole Foods on Westlake. I love this store. While having many ridiculous and overpriced items, I find myself in a trance of wanting to buy everything and can spend at least 10 minutes just looking at their fresh sushi. I went up to Seattle to nanny Nicholas last Saturday evening and stopped by Whole Foods to pick up my dad's favorite Tree Sister's graham cracker cereal. I gave myself more than enough travel time coming from Tacoma and found myself with time to kill before heading over to Interbay. That's ok. I spent my time comparing the many komboucha brands and finding the perfect container of melon and strawberries to purchase.

Recently want: Due to the fact that the ends of my hair are getting lighter and lighter (most likely a sign to give my hair a trim), I have been wanting to "lighten" my entire head. Pros: becoming the redhead I was in junior high. Cons: Ruining my virgin hair. We'll see what wins.

Note of the Day: Had my first valet experience today. I could get used to that.

Monday, June 22

Gluten-free, Dairy-free

My poor little sister.

I've grown up eating rather strange food. I remember being  10 years old and mistaking my dad's home-grown (RAW!) komboucha for apple juice. Just a little terrifying due to the fact that my dad referred to his growing komboucha as an "animal." Now our fridge is packed with GT's bottled komboucha. Still raw, but much easier to take now that it's paired with guava, citrus, and gingerberry. You'll find soy in at least 11 different forms, herbs my dad claims are edible, items literally crawling due to the amount of fiber they contain, bottles upon bottles of Naked juices, and every dairy item you can imagine sitting opposite their soy or rice counterpart. 

My dad has been a vegetarian for the past 11 years, and spent at least 3 of them being completely vegan. My mother and I are the only "dairy-eaters" of the family. Joelle and Laura are lactose intolerant (there's our Jewish/Middle Eastern heritage for you) and my dad eats very limited amounts of dairy due to his allotted daily fat intake (there's his chronic pancreatitis for you). Thus, our fridge carries a multiplicity of items. I did not think our fridge could hold stranger, more variable items. Until now . . . 

My poor little sister. For the past two years, Laura has complained of "not feeling well" at random times. She eliminated dairy from her diet, which alleviated some of the problems. She began eating a dairy-free AND gluten-free diet two and a half weeks ago, and is now symptom free. Poor Laura. She has been living off of bananas, chicken, juice, and craisins. Until now. We are now headed full force into providing little Laura with various gluten-free options. Tapioca loaf, brown rice bread, corn cereals. The list goes on. I made soy and corn nachos for her before she left for work, and from the empty plate left in the kitchen, I think they were a hit. I'm in the process of making chocolate (gluten-free!), peanut butter, oatmeal cookies for her, without milk or butter. They'll be good . . . . I just know it.

Laura is feeling much, much better and now our fridge could be the poster-child for Marlene's, Whole Foods, MacGregor's, Tacoma Boys, and the Tacoma Farmer's Market. The only downside: I now finally have another competitive fruit eater in the house. I'm going to have to start hiding my nectarines.

Note of the Day: Walking to the 72nd street Starbucks is not the same as walking to Cafe Fiore by Kerry Park on QA.

Saturday, June 20


I am currently a bum. Good? I say yes.

I found out that I don't start my job at TG until July 6th. At first I was a little bummed . . . I'm a big fan of making money. Bum-life, AKA doing whatever the heck I want, is my alternative. $2 a day for coffee, one tank of gas, my running shoes, and TIME. Time to be a bum. Like today. Woke up sleep deprived because I wanted to. Coffee, sneaked some of my dad's precious Whole Food's graham cracker cereal, and headed out the door to the Y. Saw LJ for the first time in 9 months. Made my day. For LJ, I would add an extra $5 to my daily budget to hang out with him on a Friday night. Sweated through one t-shirt. I know; gross. Home. Raided my fridge, literally tossing things into a pan as I came across them. Chicken, bell pepper, bean sprouts, green onion, peas, shredded broccoli, tomato, and cilantro. Weird? I say no. 

Now. Off to Puyallup to hang out with an old bud, spend my $2 on coffee, and try to break in some new boots I just got from Urban. UrbanXchange, that is. Went through my closets the other day and lugged down a couple bags of clothes. $70 of credit later, I'm a happy camper.

Tonight. Earning domestic points by making  lemon chiffon pie for my dad for Father's Day. Sweet? I say yes.

Note of the Day: Want to see "The Brother's Bloom" soon? Call me.

Saturday, May 16

Chacos on my feet.

Chacos on my feet, timbuk2 on my back, shades on my eyes, hair down my back; looking out over Magnolia Hill. There's a beautiful spot, if you walk out of the Ashton parking lot and continue straight for about 1/2 a mile, where you can look out over Interbay, Elliot Bay, and the road that goes straigt up Magnolia Hill. I shudder to remember running up that hill 3 years ago during land training. I absolutely love this spot. I walk it everytime I go see Nicholas.

Nicholas is now a two-year old. He communicates well for using only the words "num num" (milk), "ice" (water), "mommy," "daddy," "doggie," "buh bye," and "no." He loves to sit on my lap and read Dr. Seuss, watch Curious George, and listen to me sing "Toot Toot Chugga Chugga Big Red Car." I gave him a mohawk today. After dumping his bowl of chocolate yogurt on his head, I washed out his hair and couldn't help giving him a chic style. I am not biased when I say he is one of the most prescious little kids I've seen. Maybe just a little biased . . . especially when he calls me "E." A highlight of my weekend.

Weekend(s) have seemed to daunting to me. And lonely. I went for a 5 mile run in the sun this morning, grabbed coffee with a best friend, and studied for not long enough. Still, for some reason, I've still felt so alone. I want to be home home. In my room, watching Laura text on her bed while listening to Ne-Yo. Or at the dining room table, listening to Joelle debate about theological doctrine with my mom. Or in the living room, watching my dad fall asleep in his chair with one of his Whole Foods suckers still in his mouth. Or in the backyard, by myself, listening to Ravi Shankar on the patio with patchouli incense. The summer will come soon enough, and I'll most likely find myself longing for my life back in Seattle, minus school, stress, and nights of duty.

Duty is where I'm at right now. Listening to African jimbays, eating a cranberry scone the lovely Miss Jessica Taylor made for me, and not looking forward to the 4 hours of studying that must happen. The first of my final four nights of duty in Ashton Hall. On to Emerson.

Emerson will be an adventure. One that is sure to be full of joy, stress, laughter, and tears. Joy and laughter from spending another year as a PA, surrounded by absolutely beautiful people. Stress and tears from three days of clinical a week, and fighting the fear of being a senior nursing major in the res halls. Still a little scared. But working on it.

It, turning into the studying that I must now do.

Note of the Day: If I could eat anything right now, it would be pita, hummus, falafel, and tahini sauch. Or a spicy tuna roll. Or a raspberry pear bubble tea. Or a ginormous bowl of pudding.

Thursday, April 30


My day has been made.

I went to bed late last night, finishing up a paper that did not want to be written. Woke up this morning at 6:30am, forced to shower in order to turn myself into a professional. Walked to class that is held far to early every Monday and Thursday. Sat in class for an hour, discussing how swine flu is not as scary as it seems and how vital our liver is (our organ of metabolism!). Had a lovely walk to the Grinder with Miss Julia Hoyt during our first 10-min break. Was given the gift of a double tall americano by my lovely friend. Then...


Hoyt washed the Grinder with her coffee. With a little, "Oh," and a big splash, 12 ounces of coffee went EVERYWHERE . . .

10 minutes later, we walk back to class in the sunshine. Come to class 5 minutes late. But, never mind. Hoyt made my day by not only buying me coffee, but by spreading her coffee joy to a few others (and the floor) too . . . . here's to you, Julia Grace Henry Hoyt. From Erin Elizabeth Warren Arkin . . . .

Note of the Day: Water is better with nuun any day.

Thursday, April 9


So so so so tired.

Early morning. Class. 8 miles. Lounging in Gwinn instead of napping. Class. Eating dinner without my staff. Getting yelled at by my staff (ha!). 3 more miles. Perfecting my swing (THANK YOU, JAMES!), lifting weights next to two 6'6" basketball players. Eating PB&J instead of sleeping. Blogging instead of sleeping.

Now . . . off to sleep.

Note of the Day: I am not a switch hitter.

Sunday, April 5

Brother Lawrence

The Practice of the Presence of God

That we should establish ourselves in a sense of God's presence by continually conversing with Him.
That we should feed and nourish our souls with high notions of God, which would yield us great joy in being devoted to Him.
That we ought to quicken - i.e., to enliven - our faith. That it was lamentable we had so little; and that instead of taking faith for the rule of their conduct, men amused themselves with trivial devotions, which changed daily. That the way of faith was the spirit of the church, and that it was sufficient to bring us to a high degree of perfection.
That we ought to give ourselves up to God, with regard both to things temporal and spiritual, and seek our satisfaction only in the fufilling of His will, whether He lead us by suffering or by consolation, for all would be equal to a soul truly resigned. That there needed fidelity in those drynesses or insensibilities and irksomenesses in prayer by which God tries our love to Him.
That he was pleased when he could take up a straw from the ground for the love of God, seeking Him only, and nothing else.

Note of the Day: Cracking open the books on my bookshelf that I often skip over is perfect for a Sunday afternoon. Even so, on this Lord's Day, Palm Sunday, very relevant.

. . . . . .

Why'd you have to wait? Where were you? Where were you?
Just a little late, you found me.

Tuesday, March 31

march madness

I have not stopped smiling since my last blog post. I experienced one of the best spring breaks of my life; roadtripping down to Cali with 7 beautiful people. Never have I had such an enlightening time.

Perfect camaderie. Breaking in new chacos. Zero workouts. Zero sunburns. Breakfast at 10am.
Catch on the beach. Failed hot tub quests. Jumping into Lake Shasta in 82 degree weather. Bread bowls. Two dynamic Cali sunsets. Cuddling under shooting stars. Vitamin D. New freckles. Akon "Beautiful." Dancing around NCMOs. Head massages. PB&J "crepes" over a campfire.


Note of the Day: My SMC makes ridiculously good cookies.

Friday, March 20

one fine wire

I remember a time, when my balance was fine, I was just walking on one fine wire . . .

I do. I do feel like I'm walking on a fine wire. But now. Now some of my balance has returned for the moment. I have closed the door on another tough quarter, have finished more than half of my time as 1e's PA, and have come to the brink of only 40 more weeks until I get to wreak havoc in Washington with my nursing license.

Tomorrow is a start.
Start 1: 21.
Start 2: WOC09 with 7 amazing people. Washington Oregon California. 8 days.
Start 3: Beginning to wrap my mind around 2nd year PA. It's hard for me to think about the possibility of a new floor, new staff, and holding this responsibility for another year.
Start 4: You'll have to guess. [said as mysteriously as possible in order to confuse my loyal blog followers as much as possible).

Note of the Day: From experiencing this last finals week, I have found that I have the ability to study without stopping for 11 hours straight.

Sunday, March 15


You spin my head . . . . what do I do?

The week ahead of me = stomach ulcers. My head, spinning. Finals. Trying to find time to keep running. Trying to remember to do crunches before bed. Drowning in a course I unfondly call "nursing everything." Respiratory system, endocrine system, millions of medications, cardiology, acid/base balances. bah.

And my head still spins. From you. What am I supposed to think?

Now: Stepping away from my 100 slide powerpoint on the endocrine system. Stepping away from a presentation on the ethical stipulations of apathy. Stepping away from a philosophical essay on faith and science. Going for a 45 minute break to sweat my troubles away. And then shower. Glorious, yes?

Stilling spinning . . .

Note of the Day: Jai ho.

Saturday, March 7

a Fiore, flowery, day

After pretending to be a Nike model, a few icy laps around Greenlake, a bowl of jalapeno "stoup," and Fiore's dirty morning glory chai:

I sit before an analytical essay about fallacious arguments, an empty tin of altoids, and a (finally) sun-streaked Caffe Fiore; my coffee house of choice (despite increasingly priced espresso shots).

Note of the Day: If you wake me up out of a dead sleep at 2am, and if you asked me for $$, I would probably give it to you. Don't try it please.

Thursday, February 26

Most likely to . . . round 2

- Drink a harley gang under the table.
- Date a SPU professor after graduation.
- Date someone who is married.
- Marry a famous athlete.

Thank you, Ashton staff . . .

Note of the Day: Ravi Shankar's 24 min piece from his show in San Francisco is worth the long listen.

Saturday, February 21


Went to sleep last night to yogi ginger tea.
Rolled out of bed this morning to kona coffee and chocolate chip/banana pancakes, made by the lovely miss amy king and myself. 1st east and 1st west eventually crawled to the pancake makers with their outstretched plates and sleepy faces. 25 happy girls, 25 thank yous, 2 happy PAs . . .

You don't get much better than 1e and 1w sister-floor-amazingness.

Note of the Day: 21 in 28.

Wednesday, February 18

6 miles later.

I could barely keep my eyes open in UCOR. Discussing philosophy after I had already been awake for 7.5 hours is not condusive to being alert. However, since I was modeling my sweet, spandex pants, I was forced to continue with my plan to run in the gym.

I started . . . and 6 miles later . . . I finished.

It's like clockwork. Everytime I almost don't work out, but actually do in fact end up working out, I run more than I plan to. Other times, when I tell myself I'm gonna run 10 miles; in reality I run 2.

And now I sit, completely exhausted, listening to Ryan Adams, peeking out at the blue sky that I know is reflecting on an almost waveless Lake Union. On days like this, I wish I could walk down to the shellhouse with 4 other buddies, ask coach if we can borrow the Cherry, and head out for a callous-forming-finger-ripping row. When I see days like this, remember how sweet racing season is, and hear the buzz of the ergs as I walk past Royal Brougham . . . . I miss rowing. But then I remember the early mornings, and vomit-inducing erg tests. This I don't miss.

The time has come to shower and turn myself into a professional looking college student who gets the empowering task of hosting prospective PAs as they sit and sweat themselves into a nervous puddle.

Note of the Day: The needle in a hep lock is small. And doesn't really look like a needle. Be careful when you try to pull one out of a patient's arm.

Sunday, February 15


The equation . . . getting lost to Zoka coffee shop. Borrowed music: Aceyalone and Broken Social Scene (good picks, Jack). Sunday of a three-day weekend. Running highs. WOC 09 anticipation. The occasional glances to a powerpoint on heart failure.

Note of the day: B&O Espresso on Capitol Hill is now a favorite. Crepes, yogi chai, louis gateau, good stuff.

Friday, February 13

Valentine's Day 09

Time for some single sangria . . . .
Some SPU non-alcoholic single sangria . . . .

Note of the Day: Pushing a double-stroller around Queen Anne uses your glutes. (AKA: sore butt).

Thursday, February 12

Numero dos

Note 2 of the day: Mounds of carbohydrates, the Corrs "Breathless", 1e, and a game of "most-likely-too" equals 2 hours of gut-wrenching feasting and laughter.

Turns out that I am most likely to:
- Climb Mt. Everest
- Wear black for the rest of my life
- Go to the Bahamas for my honeymoon
- And be on the cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuits edition

Thank you, 1st East.

Wednesday, February 11

no title please

Blogging . . . . blog. blog. blog. I do not claim the gift of prose, philosophical phrases, and witty banter (see example A: Joelle Arkin). Instead, welcome to the world of Erin the INFJ. Erin who loves to sleep, works out alot, and eats alot. Welcome to what may be boredom for you . . . but an outlet for me. I don't keep journals well at all, so I could be possibly welcoming you to a blogging world of every-other-month posts. Capiche?

Oh well . . . I will be amusesd.

Note of the day: 1) Wore heels for the first time since summer 2008. And took them off to walk down a hill.